
Men's Table coming to Batemans Bay

July 5, 2022 8:06 am in by

 MensTable 2 Bay

A new men’s mental health service of a different kind is coming to Batemans Bay.

After successfully setting up groups in Bermagui and Bega this year, The Men’s Table will be launching at the Garden Room (downstairs) at Salvation Army Lifestyle Centre in Batemans Bay next Tuesday.

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The Men’s Table creates a unique, safe environment for men to share openly about their lives, their challenges, their highs and lows.

Over dinner once a month, the proven format creates a sense of belonging, community, peer support and camaraderie that is lacking for many men, even for some who already have a group of mates.

MensTable Poster Bay 1

Men’s Table Regional Host, Michael Collins says July 12 will be an entrée night (an information night) where where local men can ask questions and find out if The Men’s Table is for them.

“It’s once a month meeting with 10-13 other men, regular guys,” Mr Collins said.

“It’s not drop in, drop out, you commit to doing it once a month for nine out of 12 months and forming a little community of men who have each others back and build trust wuith confidentiality,” he said.

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“Once you’ve been to the entree’ you’ll be clearer about whether you’d like to be part of starting a new local table, and we can help you with the relevant next steps.”

Spaces are limited to 14. To register or for more details click HERE.

Images: The Men’s Table
