
Wyndham Village Market

Wyndham Village Market Sunday 28th April 2024

Visitors to this friendly Village Market are warmly welcomed on the fourth Sunday of each month from 8.30 am to 1pm and offer a variety of exciting opportunities for your shopping experience, so don’t miss it!!

The Wyndham Rural Fire Brigade is back on duty for the next three Months cooking up a storm on their distinctive RFS Outdoor BBQ Trailer and the popular Devonshire Teas from the Kitchen.

This means that Hot Scones will be rolling out fresh from the oven all day!

Everyone will be well catered for in the Kitchen, with alternative menu options for Breakfast and Lunch for those with GF, LF and Low FODMAP requirements.

Our “Art on the Stage” feature returns this month with local Artists offering their beautiful and diverse works for sale. Don’t miss this great opportunity to invest in some original art including Abstract and Watercolor Landscapes so far, with space for more interested Artists to offer their work. Contact us now to book a space on the Stage.

We look forward to welcoming our “Music Makers of the Month”, locals Millicent (15) and Tristan (17) who are siblings from Wyndham. They play an array of songs and tunes on their English Concertinas and won the NSW Folk Federation Young Folk Artist Award for Under 19s in 2023. Be sure to show your support for their amazing young talent, enthusiasm and determination to create and perform their own music.

So join us. relax, linger longer and support our local RFS, our Producers, Growers, Artisans, Recyclers and Upcyclers, Bakers, Baristas, Authors, Turners, Ceramicists, Knitters, Weavers, Jewelers, Leatherworkers, Lapidarists, Collectors and a variety of  Vendors offering Plants, Quality Clothing, Incense, Toys and Games, Nuts, Tools, Rustic Bits and Pieces, Organic Vegetables, Fruit, Preserves and more!

Remember, shopping is made easy with the Market EFTPOS station at your service to process purchases on behalf of all participating Stalls. But do bring some Cash to show your appreciation to our Entertainers!

If you’ve been considering having a Stall, then don’t hesitate to call Yvonne on 64 942 443 or message the Wyndham Village Market NSW Face Book page to Book your Stall.

Stalls cost just $15 per Site or pay for three months in advance to receive a Discount AND secure your preferred site.




Apr 28 2024


8:30 am - 1:00 pm


15.00 per stall