Narooma School of Arts has lodged a Development Application (DA) for the new design of the Narooma Arts Centre.
President, Jenni Bourke, said they’re hoping for a swift passage through Eurobodalla Council’s DA process to ensure the long awaited arts centre is built within the Project’s timeframe.
The community initiative on community-owned land has seen volunteer committees working on the project for over 12 years.
“The Narooma community has about $8.5m of funding at stake with this project,” Ms Bourke said.
“I know that once the centre is built, our community will wonder how we ever did without it,” she said.
“It will be such a vibrant centre of creativity, learning and gathering which will benefit the whole region, as well as bring economic benefits from cultural tourism, training and job opportunities.”
The project had to be completely redesigned over the last year due to the cost of construction of the original design potentially exceeding available funds because of delays and cost increases.
The centre’s design by ‘Takt Studio for Architecture’ will include two multi-use studios, a large gallery and a small café.
The NAC Project is funded by the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.
Images: Narooma School of Arts